This is a charitable contribution you can give to qualifying 501 (c)(3) organizations. You can REDUCE what you owe in state taxes by $1000 (Couples) or $500 (Single Filers) all at no additional cost to you. Your contribution is credited to your tax obligation through your contribution to CASA council.
This will lower your state tax due by that amount and gift at risk children with the same dollar. You can pay the state and give to at risk foster children with the same dollar. CASA council is a “Qualifying Foster Care Charitable Organization” because we directly support the basic needs of foster children.
Your contribution to CASA council is also allowable as an itemized deduction on your Federal income tax return as long as the contribution is made by December 31, 2024. All contributions to qualify for Arizona Foster Care Tax Credit MUST be made by April 15, 2025.

For any questions or concerns please contact Beverly Siemens at (530) 632-5567.